Wednesday, June 08, 2005

A Wonkette post without an anal joke?

Wonkette - Dean Outs Republicans:

"Truly shocking news out of California, courtesy of Drudge: In S.F., Dean calls GOP 'a white Christian party'In other news, NOW members described as 'liberal feminists'! College professors called 'intellectuals'! NASCAR fans turn out to be 'middle class Americans'! SKY TOTALLY BLUE!!!!!

We kid. Dean's brazen characterization of Republicans as white and Christian is, obviously a grievous insult to the seven percent of blacks and 22 percent of Hispanics who consider themselves Republicans, as well as to the 16 percent of those "with no religion" who cast their lot with the GOP. And, as we all know, no Republican has ever made a sweeping generalization about the core constituency of the Democratic party. We're all baby-killers now.

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