Monday, June 13, 2005

The Rude One on the Downing Street Memo Denials

The Rude Pundit:

"Bush, though, oh, christ. First he started with conspiracy theories: 'Well, I -- you know, I read kind of the characterizations of the memo, particularly when they dropped it out in the middle of his race. I'm not sure who 'they dropped it out' is, but -- I'm not suggesting that you all dropped it out there.' So, let's see here: Bush is making the accusation that someone passed the memo on to the Times of London in order to undermine Tony Blair's bid for re-election, but he has no idea who it might have been. And he doesn't deny the validity of the memo (except for vague, blindingly confusing 'somebody said, well, you know, we had made up our mind to go to use military force to deal with Saddam. There's nothing farther from the truth'). That's like saying, 'Those pictures of me with my cock in Tony Blair's mouth and a Union Jack hanging out of my ass were only made public to hurt his election chances.'"

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