Sunday, June 29, 2008

What is missing?

Damn you lo-rez picture phone shots... There's no hours posted anywhere on the door or window front, and that's because everyone who needs to knows that Mel's Hardware Store is open Monday through Saturday, 9AM to 6PM.

Saturday, June 28, 2008


Report: Intel says no to Vista - Boing Boing Gadgets: "'When a company as tech savvy as Intel, with full source code access and having written several large chunks of the OS, says get stuffed, you know you have a problem. Well, everyone knows MS has a problem, but it is nice to see it codified in such a black and white way though. Reassuring, like a warm cup of tea, or a public kick to the corporate crown jewels."

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Just thought that I had to be in Compton soon

On Vista

Once you get past the fact that a retarded savant designed the UI whilst being beat by a domineering mother so that he constantly asks 'Is this ok?', it's not a bad OS.

Support Our Troops (until they die)

The American Conservative � Respect And Coverage Of Our War Dead

The American Conservative (ya, I know, right?) with an excellent piece on the Bush Administration's deep cynicism surrounding our soldiers who are killed in battle.  Images of flag draped coffins are politically inconvenient; therefore, we must not be allowed to honor our fallen troops.