Sunday, July 23, 2006

One Web Day 9/22/06


Piling on.

Whiskey Bar: Useless Idiots

Billmon takes on Sully and the former Bush Only Party (BOP) faithful for bitching about getting bitched at.

Friday, July 21, 2006

mcsey on WWdN: In Exile

WWdN: In Exile:

I'm a long time reader, and your pokerstars blog entries are off the hook. This year's WSOP is inspiring some great blogging all around. The 'no live coverage' rule has done wonders for what I as a small rolling wannabe wants to read. Color coverage. I don't need to know every hand. Just tell me the stories.

Great job. There's a book here for you to write.

I wrote that ish. I'm a Wheaton fanboy, what about it? Really though, go follow that link then read him on and check out Tubes Wheaton at his best.

For Peyton

For Peyton

Online charity auction for the infant of a cancer victim. Bid on some nice poker swag for a great cause. Plus you can buy, and then burn, a Duke hat signed by Coach K.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006