Monday, March 12, 2007

Reconsidering Hagel

Chelsea in comments writes:

I'm sorry to say but I have to disagree with you. Giuliani, Romney, Gingrich and others are the ones that will have difficulty winning the primaries. I think Hagel has a great opportunity to appeal to primary voters because of his conservative voting record.

Sure, he is the only outspoken critic on the Iraq war; but, he has never flipped his position on abortion (a la Romney), he doesn't have a muddled personal history (see Giuliani, Gingrich), and he hasn't ever sold out like the other "maverick" (McCain).

None of the "Big 3" are really standing out for the Republicans right now. Chuck Hagel has the propensity to garner large support...especially considering that he's already the media's baby.

Don't be sorry, you've got a good point;) Hagel is the most appealing GOP candidate to me. Of course coming from me that's essentially saying, "I detest Hagel's politics the least". You may well be correct in Hagel being able to garner a large group of supporters; however, whether he can or not his entry is a plus for every GOP candidate except McCain.

Now if Hagel manages to go ahead and win the primaries, I don't suppose its a plus for the other candidates;)

Update: Hagel held the presser to announce... that he has nothing to announce yet.

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