Friday, January 05, 2007

Mel Gibson?

"You just have to read what's in the Israeli press. The Jewish community is divided but there is so much pressure being channeled from the New York money people to the office seekers."

Nope. Wesley Clark. Apparently the coming war with Iran is the fault of the rich Jews in New York. DAMN YOU ROTHSCHILD!



Ret LTC said...

Why do you equate "New York money people" with Jews? Clark distinguishes between the two, but you conflate them. I think you're the anti-semite, not him.

I'll help you out a little. He's talking about AIPAC, not Jews. Some of AIPAC is Jewish, but just as many (if not more) are right-wing Repub evangelicals. There are also big money Saudis (and other Sunni Arabs) pushing Bush to attack Iran.

Here's another clue. Clark is half Jewish and a very strong friend of Israel. He just knows we can't handle a war with Iran right now, and believes that we probably shouldn't have to.

Micah Seymour said...

First thanks for commenting, don't get many of those. Second thanks for calling me an anti-semite. That's my first blogsmear. I feel like a real blogger. Finally, since acronyms don't seem to work, I reiterate:

That Was A Joke Son.

Look back to the original HuffPo post, even the reporter standing there warned Clark he was veering into dangerous territory:

At one point Melinda reminded him that she was taking down everything he said (a fact that would have been hard to miss, since she was taking notes on a not-inconspicuous legal pad).

At the risk of turning a molehill into a mountain, look at what the right-wing smear machine makes of criticizing AIPAC. I like Clark, and I think he's right about this issue. I simply worry about him feeding meat to his opponents.