Monday, January 26, 2009

On the ongoing "debate" about Gitmo

To favor due process is to favor Terrorists'; Rights - Glenn Greenwald -

"It's not really 'complex' to understand this: the fact that the U.S. Government accuses someone of X does not mean that they are actually guilty of X. That's true even where 'X = Terrorist.' That's why, in America, we have these things called 'trials' and 'due process.' Sometimes the Government is wrong. Sometimes it is inept. Sometimes it is corrupt and tyrannical. Therefore, these things we call 'checks' are necessary before we assume that Government accusations are true and before we allow the Government to put people into cages for life. We don't actually know that someone is a 'Terrorist' until a trial, with due process, establishes that the Government's accusations are true."

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