Monday, April 11, 2005

How long before we hear Hastert make a clear show of support for the embattled DeLay?

Talking Points Memo: by Joshua Micah Marshall: April 10, 2005 - April 16, 2005 Archives:

Asks Josh Martin. Good question. Considering DeLay is the kingmaker behind a noname Congressman from rural Illinois (I know. He's my rep. I actually voted for him. Bring the pork, Speaker.), I've been amazed at Hastert's silence on this one. Maybe he's tired of being called "DeLay's Puppet", and sees a chance to get some real power on his own. Or maybe he simply sees what's becoming increasingly obvious, every minute DeLay stays in a position of power increases the damage he's doing to the Republican party.

They cut Lott for his racist remarks. Lott's still a Senator, but you don't hear much from him anymore, ya know? That's what DeLay is gonna need to do.

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