Friday, August 26, 2005

Pat Robertson only supports killing dictators he doesn't do business with.

Pat Robertson and His Business Buddies (

Liberian strongman Charles Taylor... He's cool, Pat's got gold mines there.

The late and brutal Zairian(?) dictator Mobutu Sese Seko... He's cool. Pat had diamond mines there.

Oh and he's got business ventures in that "great bastion of liberty, religious freedom and land of forced abortions, the People's Republic of China." It's a for profit Internets company called the Global Business Development Network.

Now I personally don't buy into the whole heaven and hell thing, but I'm pretty sure hypocrisy and lying, as Robertson did when he claimed he didn't call for Chavez's assassination two days after he did so, are pretty quick way to hell. So if I'm wrong, and I do end up in hell at least have a preacher there.

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