Monday, September 03, 2007

Labor dabor

(What the heck is that from?)

Ok, time to get back at this thing. New database at work installed at the same time we were doing new wiring. Lovely idea, managed to mostly pull it off though. The database seems to work and the staff mostly get how to do things, so that's nice. The extra cabling is useful. We got to put drops in some places that were formerly wireless only. Gives me a few more options on what goes where computer wise.

I've been playing Tiger '07 on Xbox Live. Played with some Brit the other night. Don't remember his gamertag but his name was Cecil. So Cecil from Brighton, big ups. He beat me by a couple skins, but he was good company. Completely pissed (in the Brit jargon, Carlsburg Export!) and hilarious. Had me laughing hard enough that it was tough to beat a 40 second shot clock. 35 seconds of laughing, and "Oh crap hit the ball."

That's from Strong Bad, isn't it? Puppets, eh?

I wonder who's on Tiger '07 at 3:45 in the morning.

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