Tuesday, February 11, 2003

Hey I got a email reply from television's Wil Wheaton! For those of you with some modicum of dignity Wil was Wesley Crusher on Star Trek: The Next Generation. He was by far the most reviled character in Star Trek history as proven by the existence of not one but two full newsgroups (alt.ensign.wesley.die.die.die and alt.wesley.crusher.die.die.die) dedicated to his demise. Wil was also the lead in the movie Stand By Me.

Wil himself was personally vilified at conventions and the like. He currently blogs at wilwheaton.net, and has rehabilitated himself in the geek community with his good writing, fan friendliness, and quick wit.

Wil was recently referenced in a "Statshot" from The Onion, which led to my question and this exchange:

Thus Spake goon@mchsi.com:

: Quick question:
: With your recent appearance in "The Onion" you've completed one of my three
: pop life goals -- namely to be referenced in "The Onion".
: The other two goals are being the question to a Jeopardy! answer and being
: referenced on The Simpsons. How are you doing on those two?
Getting on the simpsons is the hardest thing in the WORLD. I've been trying
for almost 10 years.

But I *was* a Jeopardy answer. I think they used my picture, or something like
that. :)


May Peace Prevail On Earth

This is almost as good as the time Bruce Campbell wrote me back!

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