Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Columns: The Pharisees line up to cast their stones at gay partners:

By: Howard Troxler
"If we are going to start ranking the 'sins,' marriage between two gay people who love each other and seek a lifelong commitment doesn't even make the Bible's best-known top-10 list.

Sure, homosexuality is called an 'abomination.' The Bible says so, not too far from where the Bible also says it's okay to stone your headstrong son to death, and that you'd better stay away from menstruating women.

And yes, the topic of homosexuality really freaked out St. Paul, no question. But so did a lot of stuff.

On the other hand, you know what IS right smack in the Ten Commandments?


Adultery! Now, that's a threat to the institution of marriage. You bet.

Now that I could support. Let's really defend marriage and make adultery unconstitutional. Adultery has certainly ruined more marriages than homosexuality. Poverty had a big effect on my divorce, so let's make poverty unconstitutional. Then of course there's irreconcilable differences. Those seems to take out a lot of marriages. Let's ban 'em.


Skywind said...

I don't know the reliability of the information, but this was probably roughly accurate:

"As of early 1996, adultery (sex with someone who is married, or sex with anyone other than your spouse if you are married) is illegal in twenty-seven states. Oral sex (called sodomy in some states)—either giving or receiving—is illegal for consenting heterosexual adults in fourteen states. Even missionary style, conventional, heterosexual sex between unmarried consenting adults is illegal in nine states. Cohabitation (living as married with someone you're not married to) is illegal in ten states."

Of course these are only enforced in limited circumstances and usually inherantly discriminatory.

Micah Seymour said...

I understand that it's illegal in a lot of states all ready. My hyperbolic point was that it should be /unconstitutional/ and thus illegal everywhere.