Ahnuld for President: A Timeline
12/1/04: Arnold publicly voices support for a Constitutional amendment that allows foreign born citizens who have lived in the USA for at least 30 years and been citizens for 14 years to run for President.
4/06: 22 states pass the amendment in a campaign that vilifies opponents of the amendment as racist xenophobes
11/06: 17 more pass it making it valid
5/07/7: Dick Cheney resigns due to "health trouble" and the fact that he doesn't have snowballs chance in hell of getting the nomination.
5/9/7: GWB appoints Ahnuld as his VP nominee
5/11/7: GOP controlled Senate approves
6/1/7: Ahnuld declares for president.
10/14/07: Haliburtongate causes GWB to abandon his scandal ridden second term and resign.
10/15/07: Ahnuld sworn in. Appoints Bill Gates as vice president.
10/17/07 Pardons GWB.
Easy-peasy, and it wouldn't be the first time.
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