Truly I spent the last many minutes staring at that picture on the cover. Not really thinking not even noticing I was doing it. I don't get the "hard stare" all that often anymore. For "hard stare" is what I named it some 25 years ago when I first became aware of it.
My wild ass theory which I have done no research to support is that it is the involuntary entrance into the state that Buddhists monks look to achieve in meditation. It's a beautiful place free from care, knowledge, even consciousnous (sic) indeed! A place where time cannot penetrate. The blissful ignorant place of joy -- better than any high. Being very very drunk is a pale imitation of being in the grip of the hard stare, for if you feel anything you are not there. If you realize you are there, you are not there. It's beautiful.
I can by no means do this at will, but certain objects or pictures can help me get there. Far and away the most certain of these is a picture of a pretty redhead.
I have some thoughts on meditation, enlightenment, and the 1000 yard stare that battle veterans get, but I don't have them organized yet. Lemme go stare at a redhead.
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