Friday, January 19, 2007

A good question

From the comments

anon e. mouse said...

Don't you know that in the ROyal Navy, you must always choose the lesser of two weevils?

Should there be a sequel to the movie, who should play Sophie and who should play Diana?

Now that's a damn fine question, and one that my kneejerk response of Drew Barrymore won't work for;)

For the raven haired long necked beauty Diana I have a quick and good answer:
Jennifer Connelly

When I read the comment, she was the first actress that came to mind. When I went to look for a picture of her I clicked through to imdb and the first photo that came up was her at the Master and Commander premiere. "Strange coincidence" think I, but attending premieres is part of being a movie star. Then I remembered she's all ready married to Maturin! Well Paul Bettany, at least.

Now for Sophie, you've got a real poser there. 20 years ago this would've been an easy one. Emma Thompson all day long. Hot as she still is, she's a little old to play Sophie these days -- Mother Williams perhaps, but not Sophie.

Now a days I suppose you have to look to the Kate's (Winslet and Beckinsale) but neither of those strike me as Sophie. Sophie's character has a icy matronly grace (in a good way) that I don't pick up from either of these two. Both of them are too "girl next door type" to be Sophie -- too accessible. So I'm gonna go with a far more "out there" choice. Sophie is supposed to be one of the finest looking women in England, so let's use one of the finest looking women from South Africa:
Charlize Theron

Beyond beautiful, a bit icy, pure sex, can act, and all ready has a funny accent;)

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