Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Return of the AudBlog

Hello Dear Reader,

A long time ago, well last year, I used to do quite a bit of audio blogging. TBH I didn't. I used to read quite a bit into my phone. Then through the wonders of the automagic Intertubes a post would appear on my site with the content of said phone call. Well that service has gone the way of Python's Proverbial Parrot -- that is to say it's bleedin' demised, it's ceased to be, it is bereft of life, it is an ex-service. So being a true technical innovator and all around geek, I figured away around that. I, er, uploaded a recording I made to my webserver. No more Master and Commander though, this time it's some musings, and then a bit of Neil Stephenson's Mother Earth Motherboard.

Here ya go...

MeMBoard01 3.1MB mp3 7:12 (right click save-as if on a slow connection)

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