Thursday, May 26, 2005

Time to buy some Mac and Cheese

Daily Kos :: Political Analysis and other daily rants on the state of the nation.:

"From: Marc Firestone, Executive Vice President, Corporate Counsel and Corporate Secretary, Kraft Foods Inc.
Subject: Kraft's Contribution to 2006 Gay Games
The true test of any commitment is how you respond when challenged. Kraft is experiencing this to a degree right now, as a result of our decision to be one of several contributors to the 2006 Gay Games in Chicago. The games will bring together thousands of athletes in a competition that will take place in our corporate hometown.

In recent days, the company has received many e-mails, the majority of them generated through the America Family Association, which objects to our sponsorship. We also have received calls and e-mails - - not as many, but equally passionate - - thanking us for supporting this event. A member of Chicago Mayor Richard Daley's team said, 'We applaud the businesses that are sponsors of the Gay Games, including Kraft Foods.'"

I sent my email. And I just sent another one thanking them for having the corporate testicular fortitude (Thanks Rod;) to stand up to the wingnuts.

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