Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Sick 'em

Local News - Chillicothe Gazette - www.chillicothegazette.com:

"HUDSON - Police officer David Devore just didn't appreciate John Bell III's 'whimsical sense of humor.'When Bell, 38, took digital pictures Feb. 6 of Devore's police cruiser stuck in the mud and being towed out of a ditch after an errant U-turn, Devore got angry. He took the memory card from Bell's digital camera and erased the images.Now the two are headed for court, with Bell suing Devore and the city for more than $25,000 in punitive damages, claiming his civil rights were violated because he was stopped without probable cause, wrongfully detained, verbally abused and deprived of his property.Why did Bell take the pictures?'His motivation was his whimsical sense of humor,' attorney Dean Hoover said."

Friday, May 27, 2005

Apparently even his photo is an insult

stereogum: Trent Insists On An Unmolested Bush:

"Nine Inch Nails will not be performing at the MTV Movie Awards as previously announced. We were set to perform 'The Hand That Feeds' with an unmolested straightforward image of George W. Bush as the backdrop. Apparently the image of our President is as offensive to MTV as it is to me. See you on tour this fall when we return to play in America.


Good point

The Huffington Post | The Blog:

"Let us accept the assumption that these embryos, clumps of a few cells, are in fact life. Despite the reality that nearly all will be destroyed anyhow, they are certainly potential life. The tradeoff here is a handful of these potential lives for the promise of saving tens of thousands, even millions of existing, vibrant hyman beings from extended agony and death. Compared to the D-Day and Enola Gay decisions, this one should be easy, especially for those who proclaim themselves as pro-life."
--Norm Ornstein

When Dubya said that shit about not using federal dollars to kill ppl the other day, I about shit my drawers. I thought we were gonna get rid of the military. I mean there only purpose is to kill people to defend American /interests/ -- American lives being an American interest, but so are lots of other things like oil. Point being simply that we use Federal dollars everyday to kill people in various places around the world.

Just Shut It Down

Just Shut It Down - New York Times:

"Husain Haqqani, a thoughtful Pakistani scholar now teaching at Boston University, remarked to me: 'When people like myself say American values must be emulated and America is a bastion of freedom, we get Guantnamo Bay thrown in our faces. When we talk about the America of Jefferson and Hamilton, people back home say to us: 'That is not the America we are dealing with. We are dealing with the America of imprisonment without trial.' '"

Thursday, May 26, 2005

Time to buy some Mac and Cheese

Daily Kos :: Political Analysis and other daily rants on the state of the nation.:

"From: Marc Firestone, Executive Vice President, Corporate Counsel and Corporate Secretary, Kraft Foods Inc.
Subject: Kraft's Contribution to 2006 Gay Games
The true test of any commitment is how you respond when challenged. Kraft is experiencing this to a degree right now, as a result of our decision to be one of several contributors to the 2006 Gay Games in Chicago. The games will bring together thousands of athletes in a competition that will take place in our corporate hometown.

In recent days, the company has received many e-mails, the majority of them generated through the America Family Association, which objects to our sponsorship. We also have received calls and e-mails - - not as many, but equally passionate - - thanking us for supporting this event. A member of Chicago Mayor Richard Daley's team said, 'We applaud the businesses that are sponsors of the Gay Games, including Kraft Foods.'"

I sent my email. And I just sent another one thanking them for having the corporate testicular fortitude (Thanks Rod;) to stand up to the wingnuts.

Sheep in New York

President Participates in Social Security Conversation in New York:
"See, in my line of work you got to keep repeating things over and over and over again for the truth to sink in, to kind of catapult the propaganda. (Applause.)"

That's from a transcript of one of Bushco's Bamblepalooza Tour. An audience applauds when they're told they're being fed propaganda? That's what hand picked crowds will get you.

Poor coaching techniques

Herald.com | 05/25/2005 | Gulliver Prep coach Lazer Collazo resigns

According to a Coral Gables police report, Collazo dropped his pants, took out his penis and accused his players of not having the testicular fortitude it takes to play baseball after a loss to Florida Christian on April 7.

''He then,'' according to a Coral Gables police report, ``pointed to his penis, testicles and asked the team if they had a set of these or were they equipped with a vagina.''

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Go Reds!

ESPNSoccernet.com: UEFA Champions League: Fans revel in pre-match party

No not those Reds. Cincinatti can stuff itself. I mean Liverpool. In a few hours they play for the worlds most prestigous Club trophy -- the UEFA Champions League Cup. They play vaunted AC Milan, and it should be a helluva match.

Monday, May 23, 2005

Blue vs. Red at Trafalgar

BBC NEWS | UK | Battle must not 'bash' French

Unbelievable. The English are doing a reenactment of Nelson's great Victory at Trafalagar, but so as not to offend the French and Spanish the sides will be labled Red vs. Blue. It was 200 years ago for Chrissakes. The French were trying to invade and conqueror England. Don't be a bunch of pussies.

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Update on the Piano Man

Scotsman.com News - Latest News - Piano Man 'Is French Street Musician'

They lied and thousands died.

The Downing Street Memo :: What is it?

Here it is. The ignored smoking gun that Bushco lied through its teeth. They either lied to the British government or to the American people. Go read the memo and see what you think.

It's amazing that this isn't getting coverage.

Monday, May 16, 2005

Great Story

Hey Norton! - Ken Norton's blog - The time I flew on the Enron corporate jet to meet Jeff Skilling

DeLay Works to Protect You... er I mean the Saudis

Boston.com / News / Nation / Washington / Saudis lobby to limit liability on additive

Call to review the "Obvious" clause for patents

The Progress & Freedom Foundation - News

A good idea. Right now it's all most impossible to get a patent invalidated on the idea that it is obvious. That should change.

So sayeth Fox News

FOXNews.com - Politics - Different Writer, Same President:
" This president likes to be very familiar with what he's going to say before he says it. His speeches %u2014 especially the important ones %u2014 will go through several drafts and a lot of tightening, with the final version typically completed ahead of time."

He gets his homework done on time! What a good boy.

A Chilling Effect | Needlenose

A Chilling Effect | Needlenose

Quick read and as usual from The Nose, smart.

When Wingnuts Attack

Informed Comment

They don't let the facts get in the way. Juan Cole brilliantly tears apart the wingnuttry surrounding Newsweek's "clarification" of last week's story by Michael Isikoff on the desecration of the Koran by interrogators at Gitmo.

Remember when Clinton did this?

White House sleepovers included donors, friends - Yahoo! News

And the "liberal media" went apeshit? Where's the outrage?

Really? I thought we invaded Iraq.

Scoop: Rice Remarks at American Embassy Baghdad :

"You see, this war came to us, not the other way around."
-Condi Rice on the war in Iraq.

No memory, can draw, concert quality pianist.

Britain, UK news from The Times and The Sunday Times - Times Online


Nickerblog: Reality

Cameron, Shane and Wheaton

Good gossip with a Wheaton angle, or when the National Enquirer attacks.

Friday, May 13, 2005

CBS fined millions for showing Janet Jackson's boob

Google Search:

How much will the stations in the above google search be fined for showing the shooting death of a man by police on live TV. Fark and I predict $0.

Beat them again and again

FCC's broadcast flag: It's back? | News.blog | CNET News.com

Cause if they win once, you, gentle consumer, can bend over and take it forever.

He 'misinterpreted' the situation.

The deputy leader of the German state of Bremen resigned after pouring sparkling wine over the head of a homeless man in an apparent joke that went wrong.

Let them drink champaign.

Good Point

Needlenose | We Needle. You Decide.:
"Afghan writer Ismail Yoon told RFE/RL's Afghan Service from Nangarhar that it's possible the violence is being instigated by disaffected political elements who now find themselves on the outside of the country's political process.

In other words, the allegations about the Koran -- though serious in themselves -- were an excuse to cause trouble for Karzai's government.

'Jalalabad has a big population, and this issue is a very sensitive religious issue,' Yoon said. 'Naturally, people get very excited and emotional when it comes to religious issues. It is possible that some people who had a hand in these demonstrations and organized them were aiming to create violence.'Wait, slow down and let me see if I understand this. You mean to say that people are cynically using religion to manipulate the general public into supporting political goals?

Wow. Thank goodness we don't live in a backward country like Afghanistan where things like that can happen."

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Instapundit.com -

Instapundit.com - :

"MICKEY KAUS writes:
Evan Smith on Dennis Miller: 'He could have been Bill Maher ....' Now that's a low blow. I thought these days Bill Maher was the one kicking himself thinking he could have been Bill Maher.

To wit Instapundit writes "Instead of a bum, which is what he is. . . ."

But he's a bum with a show still Glenn. That's one more show than either you or Dennis have. Jerk.

Ohio GOP scandal


Seems the Ohio GOP took the advice of one of their biggest fund raisers and let him manage $50 million in state money. He invested it in rare coins. Yeah you read that right rare coins. Now if that doesn't seem like a solid investment, I agree, but it gets better. 121 of the coins worth $650,000 are listed as "missing on stolen". Read the full story for details. But this is inside government asshatry at its best. Dems and reporters, smelling blood in the water, are circling looking for meat.


"Should any political party attempt to abolish social security, unemployment insurance, and eliminate labor laws and farm programs, you would not hear of that party again in our political history. There is a tiny splinter group, of course, that believes you can do these things. Among them are [a] few other Texas oil millionaires, and an occasional politician or business man from other areas. Their number is negligible and they are stupid."

Dwight D. Eisenhower, 1954

Monday, May 09, 2005

EarthCore: A Podcast Novel

EarthCore: A Podcast Novel

Not free as in speech, but free as in beer. Earthcore a no cost podcasted audio book from Scott Sigler.

Why would expect them to get it right?

Captured Al-Qaeda kingpin is case of "mistaken identity" - Sunday Times - Times Online

Bushco has proven its incompetence over and over again. Why would I expect them to get it right? Hell why would I even expect to the truth if they did have the right answer?

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

More Sullivan

www.AndrewSullivan.com - Latest Posts:

"I do not believe that the last three centuries are best described as Jonah does as 'the great unraveling.' I see them as a great liberation, with horrendous dangers but also great promise. We've seen the new dangers - the evils of Nazism and Communism. But that doesn't mean the old dangers - theocracy and religious war - have abated. The war we are now fighting, after all, is a response to these old dangers, not the new ones (or, perhaps, a hideous fusion of the two). Amidst this confusion and diversity, conservatives should stick to what we have, not retrench to reactionary certainties that become more brittle as they become more vulnerable. What we have in Britain and America is a tradition of individual freedom, a spirit of free thought, and a Constitution that protects us from government tyranny. I think this is sturdy enough structure to keep us free. I'm surprised many conservatives have such little faith in it."

Tax cut and spend liberals

The Grand Old Spending Party: How Republicans Became Big Spenders

Evolution happens.

CNN.com - New dinosaur caught in the act - May 4, 2005

Another Neocon Powergrab

Bush's Most Radical Plan Yet
: Politics

I don't agree but,

"Just put it to the other-shoe test: If it were Teresa Heinz Kerry standing up on the dais telling the same jokes, the conservative commentariat would be buzzing for the rest of the year about what a tasteless skank she is.

'Lighten up?' How about cleaning up? The First Lady resorting to cheap horse masturbation jokes is not much better than Whoopi Goldberg trafficking in dumb puns on the Bush family name. Unlike many Beltway and Manhattan commentators, I do not think the Wonkette-ization of the White House is a good thing."

At least she's consistently prudish.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Burrito shuts down school

First Coast News | Strange & Unusual

I mean I've cleared indivdual classrooms, but that was /after/ consuming the burrito.

Makes sense.

Jack the Ripper may have been itinerant sailor

Not much to go on really, but a surgeons mate or a butcher from a ship would have the experience with the knife. Being out of the country would explain the long gaps between killings, but none of it really explains the literate nature of the letters the killer sent to the police. Seaman, for the most part, not having time to get too literate, though by the 1890's that may have been changing, I dunno.

Interesting theory.

Ignore the wingnut ads

Christina Hoff Sommers on The Penis Monologues on National Review Online

And take the point of the article. How can Vagina Day be good and Penis Day be bad?

Good idea.

The Time Traveler Convention - May 7, 2005

It's not where you have your time travelers convention, it's when. Take out a classified in your paper of record. All we need is some 29th century time travelling historian to see it, and they go back to MIT on 5/7/2005.

A first

The Moderate Voice - A Skunk Spraying Inside The GOP Tent

Link via Instapundit.

Monday, May 02, 2005

This is Anfield Report

BBC SPORT | Football | Europe | Benitez predicts Liverpool glory

For my buddy evild. Good luck and never walk alone.

The Revolution will be televised.

Boing Boing: Ukranian TV sign-language lady blew whistle on crooked vote

But it won't be available on the radio. I think Snopes better have a look at that before I believe it but, if true, cool.