Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Yahoo! News - Democrats: HSD Omits Right-Wing Threats

Yahoo! News - Democrats: HSD Omits Right-Wing Threats

Unbelievable. In fact I don't believe it. No right wing hate groups are on the the Homeland Security Departments domestic terror watch list? Let's see recent acts of domestic terrorism. Eric Rudolph -- oh flaming liberal. Timothy McVeigh -- treehugger. Matt Hale's minions -- bleeding heart liberals.

That's right. All of the major incidents of domestic terrorism in recent history have been by radical reactionary groups and individuals, but Bushco's HSD wants to investigate liberal groups. What are they chasing down the Weatherman? Oh wait they caught them a long time ago. I suppose there was the time that anarchists blew up Wall Street... in 1920!

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