Friday, April 29, 2005

Great Headline

Missionary Impossible

Why isn't this man President? | "An American heresy"

Al Gore on the nuclear option:

Having gone through that experience, I can tell you -- without any doubt whatsoever -- that if the justices who formed the majority in Bush v. Gore had not only all been nominated to the Court by a Republican president, but had also been confirmed by only Republican Senators in party-line votes, America would not have accepted that court's decision.

Moreover, if the confirmation of those justices in the majority had been forced through by running roughshod over 200 years of Senate precedents and engineered by a crass partisan decision on a narrow party line vote to break the Senate's rules of procedure then no speech imaginable could have calmed the passions aroused in our country.

The world would be a better place if he was.

Long list.

Instances of Use of United States Armed Forces Abroad, 1798 - 2004

The Neoconservative Party Agenda

My fellow American’s I am here tonight to lay out the platform of the Neoconservative Party. As you know the Neoconservative Party was formed out of the remnants of the Republican party, when godless heathens such as John McCain and Christopher Shays tore our grand old party apart with less than unquestioning devotion to our dear leader George W. Bush. As the sainted founder of our party Dalai Bush and his appointed successor his holiness Jeb deserve nothing less than our blind support and this forms the first plank in our platform:

The Neoconservative Party will give it’s unquestioning support to anyone George W. or Jeb Bush supports.

If dear leader wishes to appoint a racist judge, why you should worry? You’re not black. If dear leader wishes to appoint pro-life judges, why should you worry? You’re not a woman, or if you are a woman you are the sort of good Christian that obeys her husband will acquiesce to all his decisions. I can you assure this ladies your Neoconservative husband would never advise you to get an abortion even if you’re raped or your life is in danger.

Our second policy plank deals with the Bill of Rights. Polling has told us that people like the Bill of Rights in principle; however several of those rights allow people to dissent with Dear Leader. Changing the Constitution at such basic level is problematic. Traitorous Democrats and Republicans are known to value the Constitution more than they do our dear leader. This will make it very difficult to change the Constitution, and this forms the basis of our second plank:

The Neoconservative Party will ignore the Constitution where we do not agree with it.

The free press will be bought where it cannot be outright coopted and made an arm of government. A free press dissents and dear leader and by extension the Neoconservative Party cannot tolerate that. Those who advocate free speech should look to the example of the dangers of free press. The freedom to assemble allows the dissemination of differing ideas and thus cannot be tolerated. We will use our police force to break up any assembly not in support of dear leader. As noted Neoconservative member Tom DeLay is fond of quoting, “There is no separation of church and state.”; thus much like in the glorious days of feudal monarchy any citizen not a member of the same religion as dear leader shall be considered treasonous. These ideas were originally put for by radical activist liberals and can safely be ignored on that ground alone.

The Fourteenth Amendment will also be ignored. The Equal Protection clause is nothing but an excuse for blacks and gays to use activist judges to force their radical negrosexual agenda upon the good God fearing Christians whites of this land. Do you really believe coloreds and homosexuals are your equals? Neither do we in the Neoconservative Party.

The third plank of the Neoconservative Party deals with personal responsibility. America was founded by rugged idealists who supported themselves and therefore:

The Neoconservative party believes that every free man is responsible for his destiny and that of the woman under his protection.

While the Neoconservative Party in no way supports the First Amendment, since dear leader has the entire military under his control and thus more weaponry than any citizen could amass, we believe that each man should have access to the proper weaponry to take responsibility for he and his woman’s destiny; thus we hold the Second Amendment to be a sort of eleventh commandment. Each man has a sacred right and duty to keep and bear arms.

We further propose the creation of a morals police to ensure that each man is securing his own destiny and properly raising his family and tending to their spiritual needs. A man must work to secure his destiny; thus he cannot always be by his children’s side. The morals police will also be responsible for enforcing our Federal Doctrine of Education. The most innovative part of our Doctrine of Education is that it is based solely on prayer. The morals police will replace classroom teachers in our hopelessly liberal schools and encourage the students to pray for knowledge. No actual instruction will be given. The students will pray and God will enlighten them.

Now we turn to foreign policy. The Neoconservative Party believes that God put oil on this Earth for the use of the American people. This forms the basis for our the first plank of our foreign policy platform.

The Neoconservative Party believes we should invade all Middle Eastern oil producing states take their oil, kill their leaders, and convert the rest to Christianity.

Her Holiness Ann Coulter first proposed this idea in 1 A.9/11. And now in year 4 A.9/11. we feel the time has come for St. Coulter’s idea to be fully implemented. Liberals have long complained about raping the environment to provide oil for our cars and factories. Even a liberal should be able to see the advantages of raping someone else’s environment (and women while we are at it) to provide that oil. As to the current residents of the countries we will be raping for oil, I offer the advice of a Texas judge, “When it’s inevitable lie back and enjoy it.” Mother Nature, that godless hussy, would do well to get the same message.

Diplomacy is essential to any world power; however, diplomacy without the threat of force and coercion often leads to compromise and compromise in anathema to the Neoconservative Party. This forms the basis for our next foreign policy plank:

The Neoconservative Party believes that all diplomatic missions should be undertaken with at least a carrier group of air and naval support.

Nothing convinces a recalcitrant “ally” to support us like a few missile tests done over their airspace, and truly if they were our ally they wouldn’t be recalcitrant; thus if the test goes wrong and happens to blow up something Haliburton or one St. Cheney’s companies can rebuild they got what they deserved.

Finally we return to domestic economic policy. Dear leader has called for an ownership society. We of course whole heartedly endorse dear leaders policy, and while our founders were hopeless radical liberals. Even more radical liberals later changed parts of the Constitution that we choose not to ignore. These parts inform our first economic plank.

The Neoconservative Party supports the reinstitution slavery so that all free men have the capital and labor to meet their familial responsibilities.

While we do not believe that slavery should be based on race, the coloreds will make up a disproportionate amount of the new slave class. To create this slave class all those in debt, that is with debts greater than their assets will be indentured to their debtors to work off their debt at an hourly wage of $5.00. Further any children created by the indentured will remain slaves permanently thus ensuring a steady flow of impeded labor for free men everywhere.

In an ownership society each man owns his property as such he is free to do with at he pleases therefore:

The Neoconservative Party supports the torture of dissidents and slaves.

Slaves, as property, may be freely tortured by their owners. Freemen who dissent shall disappear in the night. Freemen who do not dissent but still disappear in the night were in the wrong place at the wrong time. No system of governance is perfect.

As the Neoconservative Party support the personal responsibility and independence of every freeman, entitlements not directed to corporations shall be done away with. Each man is responsible for his, and those under his protection, future and therefore:

The Neoconservative Party supports the complete liquidation of Social Security and all other entitlement programs. We will then use these funds to support the morals police.

We, the Neoconservative Party, abhor all forms of taxation. A man’s property and wife belong to him and should not be taken by the government, therefore:

The Neoconservative Party will make the maximum effective tax rate 0%.

This will cause the government to accumulate huge deficits, but that’s fine because were only borrowing that money from our children. When its their turn they can figure out a way to pass their debt their children, or perhaps we could take all the slaves stuff and sell it to pay off the deficit.

Thank you.

South Side Sox :: A Chicago White Sox Blog

South Side Sox :: A Chicago White Sox Blog

New Sox Blog. Baseball blogging is getting big.

Simply the best. - Daily Dish:
"I don't think and have never said that we're in the grips of a 'theocracy.' We live in a constitutional democracy. Iranians live in a theocracy, and I am aware of the difference. But one element of our politics - one that happens to have a veto on Republican social policy - does hold that religion should dictate politics, and that opposition to a certain politics is tantamount to anti-religious bigotry. They're very candid about that, as we saw last Sunday. As Bill Donahue put it: 'The people on the secularist left say we think you're a threat. You know what? They are right.' Very senior Republicans echo the line that there is a filibuster against 'people of faith.' This isn't just about gays, although we've felt the sting of the movement more acutely than most. It's about science, stem cell research, the teaching of evolution, free access to medical prescriptions, the legality of living wills, abortion rights, censorship of cable and network television, and so on. The Schiavo case woke a lot of people up. I was already an insomniac on these issues. Maybe I'd be more effective a blogger if I pretended that none of this was troubling, or avoided the gay issue and focused on others. But I'm genuinely troubled by all of it, and by what is happening to the conservative tradition. I'd like to think that a qualified doctor like Bill Frist could say on television that tears cannot transmit HIV. But he could not - because the sectarian base he needs to run for president would not allow it. I'm sorry but that's nuts. I'm glad Glenn is now calling attention to all of it. "

For big old tree hugging liberal Republican like myself... whaaaa! Yeah I said it. Economically conservative, socially libertarian (try finding that in either party) and generally liberal in thought (whatever that means) I find myself in almost 100% agreement with Andrew Sullivan. He has the best political blog on the Int4rwebs.

I am not making this up.

Foreign Workers Coming to a Cruise Ship Near You

They might be, but I'm not.

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

The Neoconservative Party Platform

I gave a speech on the Neoconservative Party platform. Here's part one. Here's part 2.

I managed to work the phrase negrosexual agenda in there. I'm pretty proud of that.


Electablog* Got Issues?

Oil: The Lubrication of Love and Life.

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Responsibility, like shit, flows downstream.

INTEL DUMP - A Command Performance

Dean Scream vs. Bolton Blowups

Wonkette - Ranting Upward

Wonkette compares the Dean Scream vs. the Bolton Blowups.

Dean: Out of control screaming not very presidential
Bolton: Out of control screaming exactly what the UN needs.

Ah the wisdom of our representatives. - Irresistible Headlines - 'Sextravaganza' Spurs Controversy At Virginia College

But Virginia State Sen. Ken Cuccinell (R)i disagreed. "They're pushing a pro-sex agenda and an anything-goes agenda," Cuccinelli said. "And that's what this Sextravaganza is all about."
Organizers said the fair will provide 15 booths with information on abstinence, condoms and self-help exams, as well as sexual orientation, which has also riled Cuccinelli.
"You can't have safe homosexual sex. There is no such thing and yet one of the sponsoring groups is the homosexual group on campus," he said.

And the bigots run the show.

Better Cardinals blog

The Birdwatch

Good Cardinals Blog

Get Up, Baby, Get Up!

IMHO not as good as the previous two, but they've got a good blogroll of other Cardinals blogs down the left frame.

Monday, April 25, 2005

Great marketing


Opera makes a web browser (think the thing that your using to look at this page). They just released the new version 8 of their software. The CEO of Opera jokingly said he'd swim across the Atlantic if 1 million people downloaded it in the first four days. Guess what. Three and a half days later they'd had 1,050,000 downloads. Guess who's "going for a swim".

(It's a joke, but it's fun to see a company with a sense of humor.)

Boing Boing: French court bans DRM for DVDs

Boing Boing: French court bans DRM for DVDs:
"'A French appeal court just issued a ruling preventing the inclusion of anti-copying measure on DVD. This is after a man who was not able to copy a DVD he purchase to a VHS cassette so he can watch it at his mother's place. Which is considered private copying and is a consumer right in France. He got the help of a consumer protection group to sue the Film Studio that produced the DVD. Film studios have one month to unprotect DVDs (I assume it is not for DVD that you already own)."

Oh those wacky French. Who'd have thought that they had a better right to copy system than we do?

Brew Crew Ball :: A Milwaukee Brewers Blog

Brew Crew Ball :: A Milwaukee Brewers Blog

Good Brewers blog, and for the Cards fans I'm still looking.

Bleed Cubbie Blue :: A Chicago Cubs Blog

Bleed Cubbie Blue :: A Chicago Cubs Blog

Good Cubs blog.

Thursday, April 21, 2005



Don't be me even more an asshat Santorum

Weather info could go dark

Man Dog Santorum proposes blacking out the National Weather Service so that Accuweather, based in PA, can make money.

Google Search: asshole near Washington, DC

Google Search: asshole near Washington, DC

Just ridiculous

Congress confuses file sharing with manslaughter | The Register

The three years in jail Congress just mandated for camcording a movie is more than the average sentence for involuntary manslaughter.

Face it. Corporations own Congress. That's not anything new. It's just a sad fact we all have to deal with.

One stop DeLay scandal shop

Tom Delay's House of Scandal

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Get good cards bud

WIL WHEATON dot NET: Where is my mind?: WPT Championship, Day Two

A Church I could almost go to

Accessible Airwaves

CBS and NBC won't run ads from the United Church of Christ because apparently that Church is too tolerant of blacks and gays or something. The ad is on the site, but I'll sum up.

People are trying to get into a church with Studio 54 style bouncers and velvet ropes. The bouncers let the pretty blonde couple through. But tell a black girl, "No I don't think so." Another white couple through, and then two men try to enter together, "Not you." say the bouncers. Voiceover, "Jesus didn't turn people away, and neither do we." Cut to a shot of United Church of Christ members standing on risers. There's the black girl that got turned away. There's a lesbian couple. There's a black couple. There's a white couple.

What's controversial about that?

Yahoo! News - Democrats: HSD Omits Right-Wing Threats

Yahoo! News - Democrats: HSD Omits Right-Wing Threats

Unbelievable. In fact I don't believe it. No right wing hate groups are on the the Homeland Security Departments domestic terror watch list? Let's see recent acts of domestic terrorism. Eric Rudolph -- oh flaming liberal. Timothy McVeigh -- treehugger. Matt Hale's minions -- bleeding heart liberals.

That's right. All of the major incidents of domestic terrorism in recent history have been by radical reactionary groups and individuals, but Bushco's HSD wants to investigate liberal groups. What are they chasing down the Weatherman? Oh wait they caught them a long time ago. I suppose there was the time that anarchists blew up Wall Street... in 1920!

Saturday, April 16, 2005

Jesus' General

I wrote Jesus' General a fanmail, and he wrote me back. For that he gets a free plug on my blog. You should check his stuff out. It's some of the best satire I've ever read. The Simpsons should hire him as a writer.

Friday, April 15, 2005

Drew News

Gawker Stalker: Okay, Lohan, You Can Go Home Now : Gawker

"Later that night, Drew Barrymore and her Strokes beau, Fabrizio Moretti, were spotted at the very same bar. They canoodled and all seemed well until Drew stormed off with her friend while Fabrizio stayed behind hanging out. He didn’t seem fazed. I hoped Drew would come back but It was late so I left. I did grazed Fabrizio’s bottom as I passed by him. I’ll never wash my hand again!"

Also the Wedding Singer is being made into a musical.

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Classic Farkline

Well, it's a marvelous place for a moonbase, with the stars up above in your eyes. A fantabulous base for the space race, but cold with no air in the sky

Big brass ones.

New York Post Online Edition:

April 14, 2005 -- WHEN U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia (above) spoke Tuesday night at NYU's Vanderbilt Hall, "The room was packed with some 300 students and there were many protesters outside because of Scalia's vitriolic dissent last year in the case that overturned the Texas law against gay sex," our source reports. "One gay student asked whether government had any business enacting and enforcing laws against consensual sodomy. Following Scalia's answer, the student asked a follow-up: 'Do you sodomize your wife?' The audience was shocked, especially since Mrs. Scalia [Maureen] was in attendance. The justice replied that the question was unworthy of an answer."

Really? You feel it's ok to tell us what to do in the bedroom, and you won't even confirm that you do not do those practices in yours? Asshole. Oh wait... Sodomite.

Even the President steals music

Boing Boing: Bush's iPod filled with infringing goodness

Just sayin'

Salon Newsreal | Newt's glass house

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Learn to act and typecast you will not be.

Yahoo! News - Christensen Wants to Escape Darth's Shadow

RIAA Suing i2hub Users

Freedom to Tinker: RIAA Suing i2hub Users

Given all of this, my guess is that the RIAA is pushing the Internet2 angle mostly for policial and public relations reasons. By painting Internet2 as a separate network, the RIAA can imply that the transfer of infringing files over Internet2 is a new kind of problem requiring new regulation. And by painting Internet2 as a centrally-managed entity, the RIAA can imply that it is more regulable than the rest of the Internet.

All of which is of course bullshit. Internet2 is not a seperate network. It's is fully connected to the Internet. As always if the RIAA says it, the opposite is true.

The draft is coming. News | How many have gone to war?:

"'If you want to ask how to destroy the all-volunteer Army, the Bush administration has provided a textbook case,'"

--Lawrence J. Korb Assistant Secretary of Defense under Reagan.

A reviewer who gets it.

Baseball film is more pitch than hit, but oh, that Drew

Following a tepid review of Fever Pitch, we find this reviewer knows his stuff:

And Barrymore ... sigh. The woman's dreamy features and delightful mannerisms just seem to be taking on more character as she hits 30. She remains the perfect inspiration for a Life's Not Fair campaign.

Damn straight.

Newt breaks ranks

via Atrios

Gingrich calls on DeLay to explain himself.

Monday, April 11, 2005

Drew News

Gawker Stalker: Celebrities In Bloom : Gawker:

"I was at V Steakhouse last night at the Time Warner Center, and ended up sitting next to Drew Barrymore and her Stroke boyfriend [Fabrizio Moretti] all cuddly and cute. The seats there are close, so I could hear them giggling and talking throughout dinner. She sort of hit me with her bag on accident and was all apologetic and sweet about it. And she’s beautiful."

Damn straight she is. See:

O'Reilly and Lichter endorsed baseless conclusi ... [Media Matters for America]

O'Reilly and Lichter endorsed baseless conclusi ... [Media Matters for America]

"Think of the message this sends: today's Republican Party -- increasingly dominated by people who believe truth should be determined by revelation, not research -- doesn't respect science, or scholarship in general. It shouldn't be surprising that scholars have returned the favor by losing respect for the Republican Party."

So true. So true. And they wonder why academia is dominated by "liberals". Conservative academics would have their science ignored by their own party if it didn't fit with the current political climate.

Hat tip to Fargus for the original link.

Hint hint hint Books: The Complete Aubrey/Maturin Novels

7000 pages of Patrick O'Brian including three chapters of the unfinished books simply titled 21 (it's position in series).

How long before we hear Hastert make a clear show of support for the embattled DeLay?

Talking Points Memo: by Joshua Micah Marshall: April 10, 2005 - April 16, 2005 Archives:

Asks Josh Martin. Good question. Considering DeLay is the kingmaker behind a noname Congressman from rural Illinois (I know. He's my rep. I actually voted for him. Bring the pork, Speaker.), I've been amazed at Hastert's silence on this one. Maybe he's tired of being called "DeLay's Puppet", and sees a chance to get some real power on his own. Or maybe he simply sees what's becoming increasingly obvious, every minute DeLay stays in a position of power increases the damage he's doing to the Republican party.

They cut Lott for his racist remarks. Lott's still a Senator, but you don't hear much from him anymore, ya know? That's what DeLay is gonna need to do.

Like rats from a sinking ship

Think Progress » Santorum: DeLay Has Some Splainin’ To Do:

"SANTORUM: …If those things were not out there, obviously they wouldn’t be raising them. And so there are issues that he has to deal with personally…I think he has to come forward and lay out what he did and why he did it and let the people then judge for themselves."

From ABC This Week... Apparently even Man Dog Sex Santorum's ready to cut bait. Given that DeLay's strategy is to do exactly the opposite of what Santorum is saying and take the "nothing to see here, move along" approach, and that Santorum must know that, I think the GOP is ready to ditch DeLay.

Sunday, April 10, 2005

Get ready for hot Republican on Republican street fighting as the wingnuts led by DeLay and Santorum go up against the moderates led by Shays and McCain for the very soul of the GOP.

Shays called DeLay an "embarassment" and "I don't think Tom DeLay is going to survive." When Senators make passive pronoucements like that they are active calls for other members to pile on. It's odd that though the central figure of the fight is a Congressman, the central fight itself will take place in the Senate over the "nuclear option". DeLay and his supporters in the Senate must get Bush himself to actively enforce party discipline if they bring a vote on the filibuster. If they cannot, if Bush just says, "Well that's a Senate thing." They will not get the votes to change Senate rules.

Shays and McCain have all ready said they wouldn't vote for it. All the moderates really need is four more GOP senators. Obviously the 44+1 Dems (independent how quaint) will walk in step. Santorum "garaunteed" a right-to-life conference last week that the Senate would bring the nuclear option to a vote. DeLay, rather than sit quietly in the corner and ignore scandals (officially known as The Condit Gambit), has increased his attacks on the judiciary. Thursday he unleashed this

The judiciary branch of our government has overstepped its authority on countless occasions, overturning and in some cases just ignoring the legitimate will of the people. But I also believe the executive and legislative branches have neglected the proper checks and balances on this behavior ... Our next step, whatever it is, must be more than rhetoric.

Meanwhile in a development that has to leave DeLay pissing in shorts. Jack Abramoff, DeLay's moneyman who's under investigation by the Justice Department for just about everything he's ever done, ]is starting to talk, and he's not happy about facing indictment.

My sudden interest in the internal fighting of the GOP is more than just gleeful schadenfreuden. If the GOP manages to go nuclear it will be on more than just the filibuster. The wingnuts want to bring the judiciary under their control. DeLay and Santorum's latest tactic is to call for the impeachment of judges that make decisions that they don't agree with. They want to subjugate the judicial branch of the United States government to the legislative branch. There's a reason appointments to the judiciary are permanent, and it specifically to stop that subjugation. No if the GOP manages to go nuclear it won't just be on the filibuster it will be on the Constitution, the founding fathers, and the democracy of the United States of America which must have an independent judicial branch to survive.

The moderates understand this and are willing to put their country before their party. I got a lot of respect for that.

Friday, April 08, 2005

Vote for the Pirate Captain | Local & State

His campaign has created such a buzz on the state's largest campus that voter turnout -- while only 27 percent -- far exceeded any past election. And if the Captain wins next week's runoff, he said, he plans to take office, retain his moniker and show up for student government meetings as the pirate he is -- although he'll dress a tad better.

"I might be gettin' a few extra buttons for me shirt," he said in an interview.

Time to dust off an old gag:
Fake accent: Free.
Fake parrot for shoulder: $4
Eyepatch: $2
Making a joke of NC State's student government: Priceless.

Good Farkline - News - Sources: Exotic Dancer Injured Inside Fire Station

Farked as: Stripper intimidated by fireman's pole. Injures back while going down on it

Thursday, April 07, 2005

Sympathy for Camilla

ABC News: An Open Letter to Camilla Parker Bowles

That's different, and a pretty good read.

I cannot believe I'm doing this


Michelle "I can defend concentration camps by calling them internment camps" Malkin deviates from the party line!!! Unbelievable. She actually wrote something critical of the GOP. Wow. Just wow.

via Americablog

How can anyone support this guy?

Public forums are no place for Bush's thought police

He's not just a bad president. He's an unamerican president. Civilized (and sometimes not so) discourse are what the founding of America was about. The president doesn't want discourse. He wants to preach to the faithful. That's fine, resign and become a minister, but if your gonna use my money to try and bamboozle people about Social Security, you had better let me in the door.

As Josh Marshall points out at the end of his article:

So, as I said, let’s face facts. This is White House policy — to ban American citizens from taxpayer-funded public forums on the basis of their political beliefs.

They’re doing it because they think they can get away with it.

Which makes sense — because so far they have.

Hulk Hogan and Roy Jones Jr. disagree on what their cocks are for.

New York Post Online Edition:

Riverbend on Reality TV and Iraq

Baghdad Burning:
"Furthermore, I don’t understand the worlds fascination with reality shows. Survivor, The Bachelor, Murder in Small Town X, Faking It, The Contender… it’s endless. Is life so boring that people need to watch the conjured up lives of others?

I have a suggestion of my own for a reality show. Take 15 Bush supporters and throw them in a house in the suburbs of, say, Falloojeh for at least 14 days. We could watch them cope with the water problems, the lack of electricity, the check points, the raids, the Iraqi National Guard, the bombings, and- oh yeah- the ‘insurgents’. We could watch their house bombed to the ground and their few belongings crushed under the weight of cement and brick or simply burned or riddled with bullets. We could see them try to rebuild their life with their bare hands (and the equivalent of $150)…"

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Drew News

Flower grows into Warner Bros. pact

By Borys Kit
Warner Bros. Pictures believes in flower power, signing a two-year, first-look deal with Flower Films, the production company run by Drew Barrymore and Nancy Juvonen.

Barrymore is set to star in 'Lucky You,' a Warners and Village Roadshow Pictures co-production. She also stars in and, with Juvonen, is one of the producers of Fox 2000's 'Fever Pitch,' which opens Friday.

Flower Films, formed in 1995, previously called Columbia Pictures its home. Barrymore and Juvonen had been housed there since 2001 and signed a two-year extension deal with that studio in 2003. Films produced under that deal included 'Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle' and '50 First Dates.' Before Columbia, Flower Films was located at Fox 2000.

'Drew represents a rare and wonderful combination in that she's a gifted actress and a smart and effective producer,' Warners president of production Jeff Robinov said. 'She and Nancy have developed and produced some tremendously successful films, and we are really happy to have them at Warner Bros. Pictures, where we think they'll continue to grow and flourish."

Free FM Radio

Prometheus Radio Project!

This is one of my pet projects that very few people give a shit about, but please take a moment to think about the state of the FM band and the ridiculous give away that is to megacorps.

Why the terrorists hate us.

America We Stand As One Audio

My god that's awful.

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Good luck

My Million Dollar Year

Try to raise a million in a year. Make a documentary about it.

Think Progress » Rush Limbaugh’s Dictionary

Think Progress » Rush Limbaugh’s Dictionary

Fucking right. Limbaugh makes excuses for torturers and lambasts people who throw ranch dressing at hatemongers.

Gosh so you mean you might do violence to those you hate?

AMERICAblog: Because a great nation deserves the truth:

"SENATOR JOHN CORNYN: 'I don't know if there is a cause-and-effect connection but we have seen some recent episodes of courthouse violence in this country. Certainly nothing new, but we seem to have run through a spate of courthouse violence recently that's been on the news and I wonder whether there may be some connection between the perception in some quarters on some occasions where judges are making political decisions yet are unaccountable to the public, that it builds up and builds up and builds up to the point where some people engage in - engage in violence.'"

Apply the same logic to terrrorism, dumbass. You might come up with some solutions.

Monday, April 04, 2005


IOL: Bono praises Pope as Church's 'best frontman':
"The late Pope, a fan of popular culture, once invited Bob Dylan to perform for him at a church congress in Bologna and joined the Eurythmics, Alanis Morissette and Lou Reed at a concert in Rome, Italy in aid of debt reduction."

They learned it from watching you Bill.

Yahoo! News - Oral Sex Safe and Not Really Sex, Say U.S. Teens



From the people that give us The Official Britney Spears Pregnancy Watch. Good ish.


Aryan Justice

Like Boing Boing said, it was gonna be White Power if it was a boy.

They're gonna run out of regenerations.

BBC NEWS | Entertainment | TV and Radio | Eccleston quits Doctor Who role

Ok back when William Hartnell got sick and the writers needed to come up with a way to change main characters on a wildly popular show the came up with the idea that Time Lords (the Doctor's race) can regenerate 12 times. In 1966 that probably seemed like a good idea, I mean this things not gonna be around for 30 years right? Well, as it turns out it has been. Now with Eccelston leaving the show that's nine guys who have played the Doctor. The next one up will be the tenth, and the ninth regeneration.

Ok. - Ms. Wheelchair stripped of title for standing up - Apr 1, 2005