Friday, March 25, 2005

Why wifi will win

Well WiMax really, but it's just trumped up WiFi. Check this out. Apple/Motorola are in a pissing match with cell carriers over the iPod phone. For about the price of an iPod, you get a phone with an iPod mini in it. ($350 for a 4GB was the rumor). Great product a no brainer, but... you guessed it, cell carriers don't want you to be able to load your music onto the phone. They want to sell you the music. I would've thought that cell phone providers would understand how fragile their market is. As quickly as they usurped the market from the old players, you'd think they'd understand how quickly they could lose it. One bad decision like this, and poof there goes the market. Apple and Motorola will find a carrier, why not Vonnage, and that should scare the pants off Verizon et al.

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