Monday, January 03, 2005

Sitting in Silence

So I sat in silence with my new girlfriend. We rode all the way back to Chicago. I think I said maybe three words, her less. She held Jack the Cat who slept like a er... content cat. I felt the same way. Nothing to say, but no need to say anything. I think that's good. I didn't have that "Gosh I should be saying something to fill this silence" feeling I get so often. I think that's good too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So I sat in silence with my new boyfriend. Silence all the way to the metra station in Aurora. I think he said maybe three words, me less. I held Jack the Cat who slept soundlessly, and listened as my new boyfriend's father slept a little less soundlessly in the backseat. I felt the same way: sleepy. Nothing to say, but no need to say anything. I thought that was good...

...until the silence continued, broken only by one email and one text message.

Our goodbye at the train station was less than romantic--when the girl is unshowered and weary you'll have that--but there was mention of communication to follow. (See above.)

I had a metaphorical basket full of hypothetical eggs. I haven't dropped them yet, but I think they might be rotten. I hope not, though, because I could really go for some French toast. :)