Monday, March 29, 2004

Yahoo! News - Bush Campaign Blasts Kerry's Bible Quote

Kerry never mentioned Bush by name during his speech Sunday at New North Side Baptist Church, but aimed his criticism at "our present national leadership." Kerry cited Scripture in his appeal for the worshippers, including James 2:14, "What good is it, my brothers, if a man claims to have faith but has no deeds?"

"The Scriptures say, what does it profit, my brother, if someone says he has faith but does not have works?" Kerry said. "When we look at what is happening in America today, where are the works of compassion?"

The Bush camp is outraged! Outraged! But a man who wears his religion on his (right) sleeve like Bush shouldn't be afeared of one of those damnable Papists quoting Bible at him! Where are the "no God before me" flings about priests? The anti-trinity rhetoric? The "the Pope will run the US from Rome" jibes? No, Bush should come out swinging on this one. Everyone knows the average born-again can run any Catholic into the ground when it comes to scripitural studies.

Seriously, you wear your hard right literal religion on your sleeve like Bush does, and then run a "compassionate conservative" campaign, followed by a hard neo-right presidency, and then you complain when somebody gets a good shot about your compassion(less) presidency? After all how much compassion does it take to exploit 9/11 to get reelected?

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