Monday, September 15, 2003 - Amanpour: CNN practiced self-censorship

Said Amanpour: "I think the press was muzzled, and I think the press self-muzzled. I'm sorry to say, but certainly television and, perhaps, to a certain extent, my station was intimidated by the administration and its foot soldiers at Fox News. And it did, in fact, put a climate of fear and self-censorship, in my view, in terms of the kind of broadcast work we did."

Let's examine this... On second thought let's not it's too scary. Instead let's take a jab at Fox News. Later in the story:]

Fox News spokeswoman Irena Briganti said of Amanpour's comments: "Given the choice, it's better to be viewed as a foot soldier for Bush than a spokeswoman for al-Qaeda."

How about simply being "Fair and Balanced" like you claim?

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