Thursday, December 12, 2002

Washington, DC Race Riot of 1919
"They had caught a Negro and deliberately held him as one would a beef for slaughter," he recalled, "and when they had conveniently adjusted him for lynching, they shot him. I heard him groaning in his struggle as I hurried away as fast as I could without running, expecting every moment to be lynched myself."

Carter G. Woodson's description of the lynching of a black man in Washington D.C. during the 1919 race riots. Woodson was the dean of Howard University

I bring this up to jog Pat Buchanan's memory. He just called the Democratic response to Senator Trent Lott's recent racist comments, "The worst lynching I can remember in Washington D.C." on the NBC Nightly News (12/12/02). Great choice of words Pat! Right up there with Dubya's "crusade" against terrorists.

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