Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Now he gets a set of stones?

The Democratic Daily Blog ? Blog Archive ? John Kerry’s Speech at Boston’s Faneuil Hall: “A Right and Responsibility to Speak Out”:

"The true defeatists today are not those who call for recognizing the facts on the ground in Iraq. The true defeatists are those who believe America is so weak that it must sacrifice its principles to the pursuit of illusory power.

The true pessimists today are not those who know that America can handle the truth about the Administration’s boastful claim of “Mission Accomplished” in Iraq. The true pessimists are those who cannot accept that America’s power and prestige depend on our credibility at home and around the world. The true pessimists are those who do not understand that fidelity to our principles is as critical to national security as our military power itself.

And the most dangerous defeatists, the most dispiriting pessimists, are those who invoke September 11th to argue that our traditional values are a luxury we can no longer afford."

Great if you would've figured that out two years ago, you'd be President.

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Music thing

Music thing

Mostly early synth stuff, but go read. Lots of good music history.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

'Unlikeliest hero' gets 21-gun salute - U.S. Life - MSNBC.com

'Unlikeliest hero' gets 21-gun salute - U.S. Life - MSNBC.com

While under enemy fire on the island of Okinawa, Doss carried 75 wounded soldiers to the edge of a 400-foot cliff and lowered them to safety, according to his citation.

During a later attack, he was seriously wounded in the legs by a grenade. According to the citation, as he was being carried to safety, he saw a more critically injured man and crawled off his stretcher, directing the medics to help the other wounded man.